Instrumentation Engineering

Instrumentation engineering is the branch of engineering that specializes on the principle and operation of measuring instruments that are used in fields of design, configuration of automated systems in electrical, pneumatic domains, etc.
Instrumentation engineering focuses on control processes that use sensors as an input. This field of engineering can be concerned with equipment processes using sensors to observe many types of variables including pressure, pH, voltage, temperature and many more.

What does an Instrumentation Engineer do?

The required tasks are very domain dependent; instrumentation engineers typically work for industries with automated process with the goal of improving the productivity, reliability, safety, optimization and stability. Instrumentation engineers are commonly responsible for integrating the sensors with the recorders, transmitters, displays or control systems. They may design or specify installation, wiring and signal conditioning. They may be responsible for calibration, testing and maintenance of the system.

How to become an Instrumentation Engineer?

To be an instrumentation engineer, you must hold at least a bachelor's degree in engineering, engineering technology, or any related field. The discipline for instrumentation engineers depend on the industry you plan to work, most engineers in this field hold graduate degrees in electrical, mechanical or computer engineering.

What is instrumentation engineering subjects?

Course Subjects
  • Engineering Mathematics.
  • Electrical and Electronic Measurements.
  • Control Systems and Process Control.
  • Analytical, Optical and Biomedical Instrumentation.
  • Basics of Circuits and Measurement Systems.

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