
Conductors are materials that permit electrons to flow freely from particle to particle. An object made of a conducting material will permit charge to be transferred across the entire surface of the object. If charge is transferred to the object at a given location, that charge is quickly distributed across the entire surface of the object. The distribution of charge is the result of electron movement.

What are the different Types of conductors?

Many materials are used to transmit electrical energy, but those most frequently specified for types of conductors are copper, copper-covered steel, high strength copper alloys, and aluminum. For more unusual applications, conductors are fabricated from pure nickel, pure silver, copper-covered aluminum, and a host of metals, metal alloys, and metal combinations.
These metals may be coated with rubber, polyethylene, asbestos, thermoplastic, or varnished cambric material, which are called insulators as they have very low electron mobility (few or no free electrons), all of which depend on the voltage of the circuit, the temperature, and whether the circuit is exposed to water or chemicals.
Not all conductive metals have the same level of conductivity, some obviously being better than others and not all insulators are equally resistant to electron motion. Additionally, it's also useful to know that some materials experience changes in their electrical properties under different conditions.

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